Aeroplane Hangar Meaning

Hangar definition is shelter shed.
Aeroplane hangar meaning. Hangars are used for protection from the. A large workshop or building for storing and maintaining aircraft meaning pronunciation translations and examples. The plane taxied to the hangar. Hangar definition a shed or shelter.
Noun a big building where an airplane is stored is an example of a hangar. Enrich your vocabulary with the english definition dictionary. The definition of a hangar is a large area where aircrafts are repaired or stored. The next generation of aircraft is larger and heavier than current aircraft that will make many existing hangar facilities obsolete.
A large building in which aircraft are kept 3. Hanger a frame for hanging clothes. Search aeroplane hangar and thousands of other words in english definition and synonym dictionary from reverso. Aircraft hangar definition in english dictionary aircraft hangar meaning synonyms see also aircraft carrier aircraft cloth aircraft fabric licensed aircraft engineer.
A hangar is a closed building structure to hold aircraft or spacecraft hangars are built of metal wood or concrete. A large building in which aircraft are kept 2. The hangar area is particularly susceptible to heat loss as the hangar doors are opened for aircraft movement. The word hangar comes from middle french hanghart enclosure near a house of germanic origin from frankish haimgard home enclosure fence around a group of houses from haim home village hamlet and gard yard.
You can complete the definition of aeroplane hangar given by the english definition dictionary with other english dictionaries. Not to be confused with. A shed for airplanes. Wikipedia lexilogos oxford cambridge chambers harrap wordreference collins lexibase dictionaries merriam webster.