Commission Internationale De L Eclairage

The international commission on illumination usually abbreviated cie for its french name commission internationale de l éclairage is the international authority on light illumination colour and colour spaces it was established in 1913 as a successor to the commission internationale de photométrie which was founded in 1900 and is today based in vienna austria.
Commission internationale de l eclairage. 1992 domaine des travaux. La commission internationale de l éclairage cie a été fondée par la commission internationale de photométrie lors de sa 4 e session tenue à berlin au mois d août 1913 et ses premiers statuts publiés en septembre de la même année en précisaient les objectifs. La commission internationale de l éclairage cie est une organisation qui se donne pour but la coopération internationale et l échange d informations entre les pays membres sur toutes les questions relatives à l art et à la science de l éclairage. The international commission on illumination also known as the cie from its french title the commission internationale de l eclairage is devoted to worldwide cooperation and the exchange of information on all matters relating to the science and art of light and lighting colour and vision photobiology and image technology.
Because of this cie has published a position statement ps following on from the two cie publications related to uv c. The international commission on illumination also known as the cie from its french title the commission internationale de l eclairage is devoted to worldwide cooperation and the exchange of information on all matters relating to the science and art of light and lighting colour and vision photobiology and image technology. International interest in the use of ultraviolet radiation uvr to manage the risk of covid 19 transmission is large and growing rapidly with each day of this global pandemic. The international commission on illumination also known as the cie from its french title the commission internationale de l eclairage is devoted to worldwide cooperation and the exchange of information on all matters relating to the science and art of light and lighting colour and vision photobiology and image technology.
La commission internationale de l éclairage cie est une organisation internationale dédiée à la lumière l éclairage la couleur et les espaces de couleur elle a été fondée à berlin en 1913 et est actuellement basée à vienne en autriche 1. The cie 1931 rgb color space and cie 1931 xyz color space were created by the international commission on illumination cie in 1931. La commission a pour objet d étudier toutes les questions ayant trait à l industrie de l éclairage et. En outre la commission internationale de l éclairage est reconnue par l iso l organisation internationale de normalisation.