Commode English

Over 100 000 french translations of english words and phrases.
Commode english. Toilet chair tapa del inodoro nf loc adj. Commode translation in french english reverso dictionary see also commodité comme commande commander examples definition conjugation. The porcelain of the commode is cracked. A piece of furniture that looks like a chair but has a container in the seat that people who are.
With reverso you can find the french translation definition or synonym for la commode and thousands of other words. Although most french cabinet furniture at the beginning of the 18th. You can complete the translation of la commode given by the french english collins dictionary with other dictionaries such as. French translation of commode the official collins english french dictionary online.
Commode synonyms commode pronunciation commode translation english dictionary definition of commode. Commode type of furniture resembling the english chest of drawers in use in france in the late 17th century most commodes had marble tops and some were fitted with pairs of doors. These early forms resembled sarcophagi and were commonly called commodes tombeau. A low cabinet or chest of drawers often elaborately decorated and usually standing on legs or short feet.
Commode translation to spanish pronunciation and forum discussions. In british english commode is the standard term for a commode chair often on wheels enclosing a chamber pot as used in hospitals and the homes of invalids. Wikipedia lexilogos larousse dictionary le robert oxford grévisse. Many translated example sentences containing commode english french dictionary and search engine for english translations.
Commode definition a low cabinet or similar piece of furniture often highly ornamental containing drawers or shelves. Refers to person place thing quality etc.