Commode Louis

Elle ouvre en façade sur quatre tiroirs.
Commode louis. Abundant ornamentation asymmetrical lines undulating curves. Amongst the most beautiful designs we should note the boulle commode in tortoiseshell marquetry and brass enhanced with gilt bronzes produced for king louis xiv by andré charles boulle the louis xiv style is incontestably linked with boulle marquetry. Commode type of furniture resembling the english chest of drawers in use in france in the late 17th century most commodes had marble tops and some were fitted with pairs of doors. Les côtés sont panneautés.
Foliage natural stones shells and rocks. Appearing at the end of the 17th century the commode is an entirely new furniture piece. Small 18th century chest of drawers. André charles boulle was among the first to make commodes.
Bombé commodes with surfaces shaped in three dimensions were a feature of the rococo style called louis quinze. Large commode by brice péridiez reproduced in nicolay. These early forms resembled sarcophagi and were commonly called commodes tombeau. 3 900 18 th century.
Elle a été restaurée en début de siècle. A particularly beautiful french louis xvi bombe commode with intricate mixed wood marquetry in walnut and fruitwoods. Rectilinear neoclassical or louis seize commodes might have such deep drawers or doors that the feet were en toupie in the tapering turned shape of a child s spinning top. Commode louis xv galbée en noyer.
H89 x 95 x 48. Top is a neutral creamy marble. This signature piece proudly displays. Nature figures prominently in the rococo aesthetic.
A super example of french country furniture crafted in solid oak painted in charcoal matt black and waxed for durability. 18 th century. Louis commode sauteuse a secrétaire louis xv galbée en marqueterie de bois précieux ouverture en façade par 2 tiroirs marbre de sienne abondante garniture de bronzes dorés pieds cambrés époque 1880 1900 circa dimensions. Although most french cabinet furniture at the beginning of the 18th.
29 000 18 th century. The louis xvi commode adopted an ancient vocabulary and neoclassical style following the discovery of the buried cities of herculaneum and pompeii. 95 000 18 th. The louis xv commode incarnates the rococo style of its period to perfection.
Very important lacquered chinoiserie commode roma mid 18th century. Cabinetmakers and ornamentalists favoured straight lines columns pilasters balusters and motifs borrowed from greek or roman antiquity fluting ribbons egg and dart friezes laurel leaves.