Commode Use

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Commode use. Commode type of furniture resembling the english chest of drawers in use in france in the late 17th century most commodes had marble tops and some were fitted with pairs of doors. These early forms resembled sarcophagi and were commonly called commodes tombeau. A commode is useful if a person is weak or unsteady. A short video tutorial on how to use a commode chair safely.
Some people use commode as a euphemism for a toilet. The first relevant definition reads. André charles boulle was among the first to make commodes. A piece of furniture with drawers and shelves.
Why is a bedside commode needed. Although most french cabinet furniture at the beginning of the 18th. A person may need to use a commode if he needs to stay in bed most of the time. The wheels should be locked when the person uses the commode to prevent the chair from moving.
Here is a bit of history on how this single word came to have two such different meanings. Commode definition is a low chest of drawers. Autoplay when autoplay is enabled a suggested video will automatically play next. The word commode causes some confusion.
The commode may have wheels so that it can be rolled away when it is not needed. How to use commode in a sentence. A commode is any of many pieces of furniture the oxford english dictionary has multiple meanings of commode.