Commode Wikipedia

Toilet paper has two possible orientations when used with a toilet roll holder with a horizontal axle parallel to both the wall and the floor.
Commode wikipedia. Some people hold strong opinions about which is better. 1696 george granville the she gallants now under high commodes with looks erect bare fac d devours in. Most commode chairs have a removable pail and flip back armrests. A low chest of drawers on short legs a stand for a washbowl and jug euphemistic a chair containing a chamber pot.
Toilets are sanitation facilities at the user interface that allow the safe and convenient urination and defecation. A commode is any of many pieces of furniture the oxford english dictionary has multiple meanings of commode. In the drawing room a large and generally old fashioned kind of chiffonier. After use the bowl is emptied and cleaned by the rapid flow of water into the bowl.
à l instar de caligula néron et domitien son image est celle d un empereur cruel et sanguinaire sa mort ouvrit une période de crise connue sous le nom de deuxième année des. Une commode est un meuble bas et à larges tiroirs pour ranger du linge ou des objets divers. A typical flush toilet is a fixed vitreous ceramic bowl also known as a pan which is connected to a drain. Historical a kind of woman s headdress raising the hair and fore part of the cap to a great height.
The first relevant definition reads. This flush may flow from a dedicated tank cistern a high pressure water pipe controlled by a flush valve or by manually pouring water into the bowl. A commode chair known in british english simply as a commode is a type of chair used by someone who needs help going to the toilet due to illness injury or disability a commode chair sometimes has wheels to allow easy transport to the bathroom or shower. Advice columnist ann landers said that the subject was the most responded to 15 000 letters in 1986 and controversial.
Elle dispose d un abattant pour son modèle dos d âne et est parfois dotée d un plateau en marbre. A composting toilet is a type of dry toilet that treats human waste by a biological process called composting this process leads to the decomposition of organic matter and turns human waste into compost like material but does not destroy all pathogens. Dalam penggunaan bahasa indonesia sehari hari istilah toilet ataupun wc sebenarnya lebih sering digunakan untuk mengacu pada ruangan tempat perlengkapan tersebut berada meskipun dapat pula mengacu pada. A piece of furniture with drawers and shelves.
In the bedroom a sort of elaborate chest of drawers so in french. The toilet paper may hang over in front of or under behind the roll. Toilets can be with or without flushing water flush toilet or dry toilet they can be set up for a sitting posture or for a squatting posture squat toilet. Water closet dapat merujuk pada perlengkapan rumah yang kegunaan utamanya sebagai tempat pembuangan kotoran yaitu urin dan feses.
Pouvant être d époque ou contemporaine elle est généralement munie de traverses et repose sur des montants droits ou galbés. Toilet kakus kloset jamban atau wc bahasa inggris.