
Vive commode liners with absorbent pad disposable replacement bag fits standard adult bariatric bedside commode pail and folding portable toilet chair absorbing sheet aid 24 pack 157 price 14.
Commode. A movable stand or cupboard. 4 2 out of 5 stars 222. A low chest of drawers on short legs a stand for a washbowl and jug euphemistic a chair containing a chamber pot. Get toilet commodes at best price with product specifications.
A commode is any of many pieces of furniture the oxford english dictionary has multiple meanings of commode. Commode synonyms commode pronunciation commode translation english dictionary definition of commode. The first relevant definition reads. How to use commode in a sentence.
Healthline commode chair folding bedside commode chair. In the drawing room a large and generally old fashioned kind of chiffonier. Listed toilet commodes manufacturers suppliers dealers exporters are offering best deals for toilet commodes at your nearby location. Free shipping on eligible orders.
Lunderg commode liners value pack 100 count universal fit bedside commode liners disposable for adult commode chair portable toilet bags or camping toilet bags 4 7 out of 5 stars 387 25 00 25. Health line massage products bedside commode chair. In the bedroom a sort of elaborate chest of drawers so in french. Commode definition is a low chest of drawers.
1696 george granville the she gallants now under high commodes with looks erect bare fac d devours in. Commode definition a low cabinet or similar piece of furniture often highly ornamental containing drawers or shelves. A low cabinet or chest of drawers often elaborately decorated and usually standing on legs or short feet. A piece of furniture that looks like a chair but has a container in the seat that people who are.
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