Culture Ottomane

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Culture ottomane. For almost 400 years the byzantine. Pendant plusieurs siècles l empire ottoman a connu des périodes riches tant d un point de vue économique que culturel. Louvre the national museum and art gallery of france housed in part of a large palace in paris. Astronomes miniature ottomane xviie jpg.
The word ottoman is a historical anglicisation of the name of osman i the founder of the empire and of the ruling house of osman also known as the ottoman dynasty. After the fall of constantinople to the ottomans in 1453 the despotate of the morea was the last remnant of the byzantine empire to hold out against the ottomans. This article is a brief outline of just some of the ottoman scientific activities and related institutions that brought about the revival of culture science and learning in civilization throughout the islamic world and beyond. The centuries long ottoman period in greece has left its mark on greek culture including language music and cuisine.
The architecture of the empire developed from the earlier seljuk architecture and was influenced by the byzantine architecture iranian as well as islamic mamluk traditions after the conquest of constantinople by the ottomans. A way of living associated to a certain civilization have certain outward signals used to identify the culture for insiders and outsiders. The ottoman contribution to science and technology during their six hundred year rule is beyond measure. Il a influencé ses voisins de l ouest europe afrique du nord comme ceux de l est asie centrale perse inde sa position géostratégique en a fait pendant longtemps une puissance culturelle de premier plan.
The earliest evidence of the term s usage was in france in 1729 as ottomane. However it fell to the ottomans in 1460. The ottoman empire began at the very end of the 13th century with a series of raids from turkic warriors known as ghazis led by osman i a prince whose father ertugrul had established a power base in söğüt near bursa turkey osman and his warriors took advantage of a declining seljuq dynasty which had been severely weakened by the mongol invasions. Highlights include leonardo da vinci s mona lisa.
In ottoman turkish the empire was referred to as devlet i ʿalīye yi ʿosmānīye دولت عليه عثمانیه literally the. It is the world s most visited art museum with a collection that spans work from ancient civilizations to the mid 19th century. But the word entered the english lexicon after thomas jefferson s memorandum revealed his purchase of a velvet ottomane probably an armchair in 1789 during his paris tour. The article seems to treat those outward signals only not the culture in itself.
Osman s name in turn was the turkish form of the arabic name ʿuthmān عثمان.