Hermione Granger Character Analysis

Hogwarts is a school that accepts only witches and.
Hermione granger character analysis. Failing that begin here and proceed onwards from that point. 1 1 background of the problem j k rowling s world wide famous novel harry potter is a seven series book presents a fiction story about a wizards and witches life in somewhere placed in england. At the outset she is an annoying perfectionist a goody two shoes who has read all the books for her classes in advance has learned all about hogwarts and never breaks the rules. One of the novel s protagonists hermione is of harry s best friends along with ron weasley.
Hermione is a first year student in gryffindor with bushy brown hair large teeth and a bossy voice. Characters hermione granger hermione s character develops significantly over the course of the story and sheds light on harry s character as well. 582 words 3 pages we could be killed or worse expelled hermione granger student in the harry potter series. Hermione granger character analysis next.
Her attention in class and her study skills help her save lives. Analysis of hermione granger character in jk rowlings harry potter by. It s a good thing though. The character she portrays is a young witch who attends hogwarts school of witchcraft and wizardry.
These traits make one of malfoy s favorite targets. For a detailed overview of hermione s role in the series it is best to read the actual books on which this text is based. Dyah kartika chapter i introduction. Hermione granger while not the viewpoint character in this series is one of the trio and thus involved in nearly all the action.
See our top ranked characters and read their profiles. Hermione is extremely clever but is also a bit of a know it all. Throughout the harry potter series it can be seen that the most significant female character is hermione granger. Her intelligence and her magical capabilities are most often responsible for harry ron and her success once they go on the run.
Hermione is extremely intelligent relies heavily on books and was an exceptional and overachieving student in school. One of harry s best friends. Hermione always knows all the answers to the teachers questions. 1051 words 5 pages.
Hermione granger is a quintessential brain in the same way that while harry represents courage and ron represents loyalty. She rescues ron and harry from the devil s snare and helps harry figure out which potion to drink in the room of fire. Character analysis of hermione granger from harry potter by jk rowling. Hermione granger character analysis next.
Hermione granger s popularity ranking on charactour is 1 out of 5 600 characters. Hermione is petrified during the novel but. Hermione granger character analysis. Hermione granger character analysis.
Summarizing her role in the books would perforce only recap the books.