Meaning Of Hangar

A covered and usually enclosed area for housing and repairing aircraft.
Meaning of hangar. A shed for airplanes. Hangar synonyms hangar pronunciation hangar translation english dictionary definition of hangar. The plane taxied to the hangar. Hanger definition is one that hangs or causes to be hung or hanged.
Hangars are used for protection from the. Not to be confused with. Not to be confused with. A frame for hanging clothes.
How to use hanger in a sentence. Hangar definition a shed or shelter. A large building in which aircraft are kept 2. Or the middle french word might be from medieval latin.
Latest reports say it is now the rainy season in iraq the tents are water logged and troops sleeping on the floor in an aircraft hangar or in an airport until the tents dry out it was a deadly junkyard full of unexploded ordnances and mines destroyed aircraft hangars and gutted buildings. A hangar is a closed building structure to hold aircraft or spacecraft hangars are built of metal wood or concrete. Hanger a frame for hanging clothes. The plane taxied to the hangar.
Hanger definition a shoulder shaped frame with a hook at the top usually of wire wood or plastic for draping and hanging a garment when not in use. Probably from middle french hanghart 14c which is perhaps an alteration of middle dutch ham gaerd enclosure near a house barnhart watkins from a proto germanic compound haimgardaz of the elements that make home n and yard n 1. Hangar a shed for airplanes. A large building in which aircraft are kept 3.
Here is a hanger for your coat. The word hangar comes from middle french hanghart enclosure near a house of germanic origin from frankish haimgard home enclosure fence around a group of houses from haim home village hamlet and gard yard. Hangar definition is shelter shed.