Sultan Ottoman

The table provides a chronological list of the sultans of the ottoman empire.
Sultan ottoman. Pada awal abad ke 17 kesultanan ini terdiri dari 32 provinsi dan sejumlah negara. He was born in istanbul the son of ahmed i by valide kösem sultan an ethnic greek originally named anastasia. Di indonesia dan barat pemimpin utsmaniyah lebih dikenal. Murad was later restored and mehmed became sultan again upon his death.
The sultans of the ottoman empire turkish. Ibrahim ˌ ɪ b r ə ˈ h iː m. Caliph is a disputed title that commonly means the leader of the muslim world. Meskipun daftar sultan utsmaniyah selalu dimulai dari osman i yang merupakan bapak dari wangsa utsmaniyah gelar sultan baru secara resmi digunakan pada masa murad i cucu osman yang berkuasa 1362 sampai 1389 dua pemimpin utsmaniyah sebelumnya osman dan orhan menggunakan gelar bey gelar turki yang dapat disejajarkan dengan adipati.
At its height the ottoman empire spanned an area from hungary in the north to yemen in the south and from algeria in the west to iraq in the east. He first took the throne at the age of 12 when his father murad ii abdicated. Ottoman empire ottoman empire sultans of the ottoman empire. Mustafa i ottoman sultan in 1617 18 and in 1622 23 a man of weak mental faculties who was deposed from the throne in 1618 but was reinstalled in 1622 by the janissaries elite troops who dethroned osman ii.
The ottoman dynasty operated under several basic premises. Sepanjang abad ke 16 dan 17 tepatnya pada puncak kekuasaannya di bawah pemerintahan suleiman al qanuni kesultanan utsmaniyah adalah salah satu negara terkuat di dunia imperium multinasional dan multibahasa yang mengendalikan sebagian besar eropa tenggara asia barat kaukasus afrika utara dan tanduk afrika. Mehmed ii ottoman sultan 1444 46 and 1451 81 who expanded the ottoman empire in anatolia and into the balkans capturing constantinople along the way. He was later called ibrahim the mad by some 20th century historians due to his reputed mental.
While sultan suleiman was known as the magnificent in the west he was always kanuni suleiman or the lawgiver قانونی to his ottoman subjects. Mustafa s reign under the influence of his mother witnessed continuous interference of. 5 november 1615 18 august 1648 was the sultan of the ottoman empire from 1640 until 1648. Osmanlı padişahları who were all members of the ottoman dynasty house of osman ruled over the transcontinental empire from its perceived inception in 1299 to its dissolution in 1922.
In 1517 ottoman sultan selim i captured the caliph in cairo and adopted the term. The overriding law of the empire was the shari ah or sacred law which as the divine law of islam was outside of the sultan s powers to change.