What Happened To The Ottoman Empire

December 7 siege of kut.
What happened to the ottoman empire. The ottoman empire joined the losing side he says. The empire then grew to include many areas in what is now present day europe. Under the command of mustafa kemal the ottoman army successfully repels britain invasion of the dardanelles in turkey. The ottoman empire began at the very end of the 13th century with a series of raids from turkic warriors known as ghazis led by osman i a prince whose father ertugrul had established a power base in söğüt near bursa turkey osman and his warriors took advantage of a declining seljuq dynasty which had been severely weakened by the mongol invasions.
In ottoman turkish the empire was referred to as devlet i ʿalīye yi ʿosmānīye دولت عليه عثمانیه literally the. It eventually became one of the largest most powerful and longest lasting empires in the history of the world. The british were in control of syria palestine and mesopotamia iraq and british french and greek forces stood ready to march across the bulgarian border and occupy ottoman thrace and constantinople. The armistice of 31 october 1918 ended the fighting between the ottoman empire and the allies but did not bring stability or peace to the region.
Mehmed vi vahideddin ottoman turkish. The ottoman empire was an imperial state that was founded in 1299 after growing out of the breakdown of several turkish tribes. Many of the local muslims in these countries died during the. The word ottoman is a historical anglicisation of the name of osman i the founder of the empire and of the ruling house of osman also known as the ottoman dynasty.
The 19th century saw the rise of nationalism under the ottoman empire which resulted in the establishment of an independent greece in 1821 serbia in 1835 and bulgaria in 1877 1878. Osman s name in turn was the turkish form of the arabic name ʿuthmān عثمان. محمد سادس meḥmed i sâdis وحيد الدين vahideddin turkish. The ottoman empire came to an end in 1924 when after the first world war mustafa kemal ataturk abolished the caliphate and founded a modern secular state.
Europe became dominated by nation states with the rise of nationalism in europe the ottoman empire was a religious empire. As a result when the war ended the division of territories of the ottoman empire was decided by the victors by. What happened to the ottoman empire. The ottoman empire initiates forced deportation of armenians.