Carpet Grass

This type of grass is also known for its coarse leaved blades.
Carpet grass. Carpet grass axonopus fissifolius mat forming perennial grass of the family poaceae native to sandy soils in southeastern north america carpet grass is occasionally used as a lawn and pasture grass in warm areas but its use generally indicates declining soil fertility because it is a low quality forage. Carpet grass is a warm season perennial grass that grows well in areas where other types of grass will not grow. Carpet grass as you may have guessed from the name offers good carpet like coverage. They are sometimes rhizomatous and many are tolerant of periodic submersion.
Carpet grass produces crabgrass like tall seed heads in the summer which gives a weedy appearance. It does best in damp sandy soil and is traditionally found in tropical climates. Axonopus is a genus of plants in the grass family known generally as carpet grass. Carpet grass has a weedy appearance especially if it is allowed to grow but it fills all the spots of dead grass or areas where the grass is not growing.
It is a creeping grass and covers soil types many grasses do not do well with. Carpet grass rarely functions as a lawn turf because it develops coarse light green leaf blades and seed heads that resemble crabgrass. Carpet grass can crowd out bermuda grass and weeds. They are native primarily to the tropical and subtropical regions of the americas with one species in tropical africa and another on easter island.
Carpet grass grows well in wet poorly drained soil. Carpet grass serves as a cover crop and temporary grass. Carpet grass works well in wet shady areas where more common turf species prove difficult to grow.